Friday, March 14, 2008

Hey, Culligan Man

So, if you bust open a 5 gallon bottle of water in your house, exactly how much water is that in surface area?
Ask Matt.
Today was Culligan delivery day and I asked Matt to make sure he changed out the water bottle. The new bottle was wet because it was stored outside and it's been raining for DAYS! As he lifted it up, it slipped out of his arms and busted on our kitchen floor. Our water stand is by the kitchen door going into the living area. The water spread about 8 feet into the living room, soaked our dark red oriental rug and completely covered the kitchen floor about one inch in depth. We used six beach towels and a mop and had to pull out the refrigerator, stove, dishwasher and floorboards. We also have a very heavy china cabinet/hutch full of Polish Pottery. On Monday, I have to empty all the Polish Pottery to the table so we can move the hutch and get the water out from underneath.
Ironically, the cleaning lady was upstairs doing the bathrooms. When she came downstairs and saw all the mess we made cleaning up, she said "no need for mopping today!"

They won't be offering Matt a job delivering Culligan water anytime soon.

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