Sunday, March 9, 2008

The other lap top

Here she is; our other lap top. We met Suzy when we were living in Schweinfurt. She was a stray in the bushes around our apartment and she decided that we must need her. So she came to stay. At the time, she only spoke German but now she is bi-lingual. She rewards us for being such great people with offerings of headless mice and an occassional bird. I have learned to keep the door closed and check her mouth before letting her back inside.

Oh, the life of a feline, she sleeps all day and decides to join the rest of the family in the early evening. The first order of business is dinner which must be served at the first meow. After that, she must have some lap top time. Preferably, Matt's lap. Suzy will sit at his feet and meow until he moves the real laptop, or she will meow at me until I make him move his laptop. Or she will just make herself comfortable on top of the laptop. At anyrate, noone gets anything done until she has had her laptop time.

And like any cat, when she's done, she's done.

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Love the picture of Suzy! We have a furry laptop named Punkin. She is the princess and rules the house. Whenever one of us sits down, she is right there ready to leap onto our lap (or outstretched legs if they are resting on the ottoman) She does the funniest things and keeps us thoroughly entertained everyday.